On 12th May 2018, Kamla Nehru Public School, Phagwara, organized Microsoft Showcase School Event by organizing Inter School e-Poster Making Competition. The theme of the Inter School competition was “Women in STEM- The Future Gap to Innovation”. 76 students from 38 Jalandhar Sahodaya Schools took part in the competition. Students presented the E-poster in front of the judges and shared their views about -How Goal No 5 Gender Equality and Goal No 4 Quality Education can be achieved by promoting WOMEN IN STEM on the day of the competition. During the Microsoft Showcase School event Ms. Meenakshi Uberoi, Microsoft in Education Global Training Partner and founder De Pedagogies addressed the audience via Skype and shared her views on what is STEM? Why SDG in Schools? Why Technology in Schools. Students of Grade IX participating in Koen Timmers “The Innovation Project” shared their experience and innovative prototypes with everyone. Dr. Rishi Chopra (COD, Department of Computer Application), LPU and Dr. Kailash Juglan (COD, Department of physics) from Lovely Professional University were the honourable judges for the event. The first prize was bagged by Shree Hanumant School, Second Prize by Bawa Lalwani School and Woodland Oversea, Hoshiarpur got the third prize. Ms. P.K.Dhillon, School Principal congratulated the winners and motivated everyone to use technology in a positive and a progressive way.