School Information
Name and official address of the Manager/President/Chairman/Correspondent : Mr. Pankaj Sardana, M/s Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd., Phagwara Area of School campus
Name of the school with address: | Kamla Nehru Public School, Chak Hakim, Phagwara, District Kapurthala, Punjab– 144402 |
[email protected] | |
Ph. No. | 01824-229583, 229829 |
Year of establishment of school | 2007 |
Is the school is recognized, if yes by which Authority | CBSE, Delhi |
Status of Affiliation (Permanent/Regular/Provisional) | Provisional |
Affiliation No. | 1630445 |
Affiliation with the Board since | 2007 |
Extension of affiliation up to | 31.03.2027 |
Phone No: | 01824-260314, 468800 |
Fax No: | 01824-261669 |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
In Acres: | 8.1 |
In sq. mts: | 32779.53 |
Built up area (Sq. mtrs.): | 7887.32 |
Area of play ground in sq. mtrs: | 5474.96 |
Indoor Games: | Yes |
Dance Rooms: | Yes |
Music Rooms: | Yes |
Health and Medical Check up: | Yes |
Transport facility: | Buses hired on contract basis |
Mode of payment of salary : | Through Bank |
Name of the Bank through which salary is drawing: | Capital Small Finance Bank, Phagwara |
Name of the Grievance/redressal Officer: | Ms. Charu Chhabra |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Phone No.: | 9988509353 |