Two-day Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert Meet 2018 was held at Kamla Nehru Public School, Phagwara by Juana Technologies Pvt Ltd, Global Training Partner of Microsoft on 22nd and 23rd September 2018. MIE Master Trainers – Ms. Pranjali Brahme and Mr. Kaushik Biswas were the expert trainers. 49 educators and the School Principal Ms. P.K.Dhillon attended the two days MIEExpert meet. The topics covered during the Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert Meet were: Microsoft Educator Community, 21st Century Learning Design, Microsoft in Education, Criteria for E2, Roles & Responsibilities of MIE Experts, Windows 10 features, Minecraft Implementation in classroom & Code Builder and Imagine Academy. Procedure for MOS Certifications for students and educators was also discussed. The School Principal Ms. P.K.Dhillon, stated that to prepare the children for unknown future, upgradation of the staff is a responsibility we love to shoulder at Kmala Nehru Public School.