On 25th September 2019, Kamla Nehru Public School, Chak Hakim, Phagwara in collaboration with the Phagwara Environment Association celebrated Van Mahotsav. During the Van Mahotsav Celebrations Peace Pole was Installed in the Central Green Courtyard of the School. Mr. Gurmeet Singh ADC Cum Commissioner, Mr. Pankaj Sardana, President School Managing Committee, and Mr. K.K.Sardana President Phagwara Environment Association released the Balloons with the Peace Dove. 30 Indian Marigold Flowering plants saplings were also planted by the members of Phagwara Environment Association. The School Principal Ms. Paramjeet Kaur Dhillon stated that entire September month is dedicated for Global Week Celebrations at Kamla Nehru Public School. The School is Practicing Preaching and Promoting United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and has joined the UNO in celebrating #Climate4Peace Campaign. The Peace Pole displaying the message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” is a symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth.
#StandTogetherNow #GlobalGoals #Agenda2030 #UNGA #RiseUp4SDGs #KamlaNehruIndia @GlobalGoalsUN #WEAct4SDGs #Act4SDGs #September4SDGs