Kamla Nehru public School Phagwara organized a special assembly based on British Council ISA Project ‘Flora which surrounds us’ on 17th August,2017. The eminent citizen of Phagwara Mr. Malkiat Singh Raghbotra was the Chief Guest of the day. The assembly started with the UNO Mock Conference, presented by Grade 3 students. In this Mock Conference they discussed about Sustainable Development Goal No. 15 which aims to preserve ‘Life on Land’. Grade Nursery and LKG students presented beautiful dance performance by showing their love towards flowers. Grade UKG students shared valuable information about Flora of different countries through ‘Show and Tell’ event. Grade I students sang a mellifluous song based on the importance of trees. The audience was enthralled by a dance performance of Grade II students wherein they gave an inspiring message to save trees. School gardeners were also honored during the function as they are taking care of School garden, lawns and play grounds. The school Principal Ms. P.K.Dhillon, congratulated all the participants for presenting a wonderful show. She further stated that students and educators at KNPS are working hard to contribute in achieving Sustainable Development Goals through incorporating activities and projects in their regular curriculum.