Kamla Nehru Public School is awarded as Best Sustainable School of Punjab by Karo Sambhav School Programme 2017-2018. The Chief Guest Ms. Shruti Shukla, Deputy Director, Punjab State Guidance Bureau for Vocational Education, declared Kamla Nehru Public School as Best Sustainable School of Punjab. She congratulated and declared Kamla Nehru Public School as the highest e-waste collector in Punjab by collecting 200kg of e-Waste. The Karo Sambhav felicitation ceremony held on 23rd February 2018, at Kamla Nehru Public School, Phagwara was graced by Ms. Smita- Karo Sambhav Delhi. School participated in the Karo Sambhav School Program 2017-18 being executed by PAHAL(NGO) Jalandhar. More than 51 schools from Jalandhar and Kapurthala districts have joined the cohesive E-waste movement. Ms. P.K.Dhillon, Principal Kamla Nehru Public School Phagwara stated that Karo Sambhav Programme resulted in creating awareness on critical environmental issues and to critically evaluate the impact on our existing lifestyles. She stated that Kamla Nehru Public School is strongly campaigning for UNO Sustainable Development Goals and is Practicing, Preaching and Promoting SDGs in a big way.